[Cricut Design Space] How to Slice the Objects

Posted by Mara Byrd on

How to use the slice button on Cricut Design Space to change your box window size

Answering this question from one of my customers:

"I wanted to know how to adjust the size of the window. I tried unlocking, ungrouping, etc. I just want to try to see what it wld look like so I cld maybe see if I cld put labels of some sort on front"

First, the basics:





Now, let's apply this to the template. 

Ungroup everything before slicing


Ungroup the sublayer 


Move the lines away from the template then change them to score lines


Select the objects to slice


Hide the other cut lines for now because they are not part of the objects to slice


Click the slice button at the bottom right of Design Space, below the layers panel. This his how your shapes should look like:


Move away the unnecessary pieces


Let's try a different shape for the window to make it easier to see the result. Follow the same steps.




You can change the window size by changing the small object size before slicing.

Then unhide or make the other elements visible to proceed to box template making. 

Going back to score lines - change the color of your template first. We are doing this so we can see the score lines when we put it on top of the template. Here is a link how to change the color - Click here

While the template is selected, click "send to back". This will make it to be at the bottom of the layers - will be under the score lines as well when we put the score lines back. 


Move the score lines on top of the template. Delete the unnecessary objects.


 "Select all" then "attach"



You are now ready to "make it"


The score lines are in proper places, on top of the template. 


Ooops... we should have sliced a smaller window to make it realistic when making the box but this is for instructions only so it's okay ;)

Make sure you know exactly the size of the window you'd like to cut before "making it" 

This way, we will avoid this error and avoid the waste of materials. Supplies are not cheap. Lol

Message me if you have questions. 




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