Make Your Own Double Fold Bias Tape

Posted by Designs Nook on


Finished Length: 1/2” wide, 4 yards
Pattern No. DFBiasTAPE-FREE1806

1 Fat quarter fabric
Rotary blade cutter or scissors
Cutting mat
Fabric marker



Right side of fabric         Wrong side of fabric

Spread your fabric on a cutting table or gridded cutting board.

Take one side (left edge) and bring it to the other side (top edge). You should have a 45 degree angle. Cut along the fold. Cut the excess fabric on the side. You should have two triangles cut on the bias.

Fold the triangles in half, along the bias edge.
Rotate the fabric so that the bias edge is now lined up in a straight grid lines on your cutting mat.

The folded edge should be on your right side. Cut off a strip of fabric 1/4 inch (.635 cm) to eliminate the fold on the right.

Line your ruler so a ruler marking lines up with the cut edge of fabric. Cut the fabric 2” wide, using the edge of a ruler as a guide.

You may use either a rotary cutter and ruler or simply your scissors. Ensure your strips of fabric are all the same width.


Lay the strips right sides together, one strip in a 90 degree direction on the other.

Sew the strips together using a quarter inch seam allowance. They should be a straight, continuous line of fabric.

Fold strap in half, press, setting in a crease.
Open out and turn them to the wrong side so that they meet at the crease. Press.

Fold in half lengthwise, bringing pressed edges together.

Your bias tape is finished! 




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